Monday 3 July 2017

Destined for Greatness: Youth and Young Adults Revival

You Are Invited

Destined for Greatness are inviting all youths and adults to our three day event! Starting with a Mini Ministration and Prayer Session on Friday (7th) at 6:30pm to 9:00pm. Followed by a Praise and Worship Marathon (with different local youth choirs ministering) on Saturday (8th) at 4pm to 6pm, finishing off with a Sunday Service Takeover (9th) at 11am to 1pm. Come join us for life changing events and to worship the Most High God! There will be free cooked world cuisine refreshments and free parking. God bless.

Location: The New Life In Christ Ministry: The Lord's Parish,
               Intake Business Centre, Kirkland Avenue, Mansfield,
                                          NG18 5QP

Looking forward to seeing you there.

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